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Fixing Xcode Repeatedly Asking To Install Git Issue

If you have encountered the following issue after upgrading to version 12.6 for the M1 Macbook I might have a solution for you.


The main problem that you are encountering is that everytime you open your terminal or open a new tab in your terminal you get a popup stating that Git is not found and if you want to install it.


The solution that I found to have worked for me was pretty simple and straight forward.

  • Open Xcode app 14.0
  • Select the platforms you may or may not develop with. -- This depends if you are actually an iOS/macOS developer or if you just use the CLI tools such as myself. -- Choose as less as possible as these take hard disk space!
  • Click download
  • Close and re-open your Terminal and try your CLI tools again.

That should be it!

I found this solution after many attemps and Stackoverflow articles so if this fix does not work for you, you might need to look further.